Saturday, February 18, 2012

If I put them in a cage can they go without food for the 36 hours the drive will take? Food, water and litter box won't work in a cage in a moving car, right?|||of course a cat cannot go 36hours with no food or water you will obviously need to stop the car and feed and water them and put the litter tray on the back seat and let them out to use the toilet [car doors closed of course]that way it should not be to hard to figure out|||Do you know if your cats have a problem with throwing up in the car? If so, it may be better not to feed them anything(cat's can go a day and half without food. Just be sure to feed them first thing when you get to your destination). If they vomit, they can dehydrate themselves, which is worse. And definitely provide them with water. Secure a dish to their cage that's deep enough to prevent sloshing in a moving vehicle, but shallow enough that your cats can drink from it comfortably. Make sure to refill it as needed(bring lots of water bottles, or buy them at rest stops). If you can, line the bottom with two or three layers of newspaper to absorb urine(in case of accidents), and to keep their paws comfortable. If you have a small disposable baking tray, you can fashion a temporary litter box. This can also be secured to the case to prevent it from sliding all over the place.

Place a blanket over their cage so they feel secure, and I don't know what the weather is like over there, but if it's hot, please don't leave them alone in the car for more than a few minutes.

Moving can be very stressful for cats, so make sure to comfort them whenever you can. Speak in a soft, high-pitched voice to them. Say their names, and reassure them that everything will be fine. When you reach your new home, they will probably be very frightened, so leave food and water for them, but otherwise let them be to explore and get acclimated. If they are outdoor cats, make sure you keep them indoors for at least three weeks before letting them outside, otherwise they may attempt to return to your old home.

I wish you luck.|||You can feed them and water them en route and give them a litter box every few hours when you stop for a break yourself. If you are stopping overnight anywhere try and book into a cat friendly motel (they do exist, people who show cats use them all the time). This would give your cats and you a chance to sleep properly, plus stretch legs, use the litter box and eat well - though a stressed cat might not do any of these things for quite some time.|||you could go to the vet and ask them kitty valium, that will help the cats stay calm. i moved my cat (via plane) from san fran to florida (it took 14 hours-dont ask) she was fine, and she was 14 years old at the time. i would definitely provide food water and a litter box. they have some cat carriers that have built in food and water containers. if you aren't trying to drive straight thru then put a litter box in the hotel room or wherever you are staying.
good luck with your travels.
by the way, its a nice time to move to Louisiana. fall is usually very nice


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